Faith that goes forward triumphs.
I recently had a woman reach out to me asking to commission this painting for her husband. She said his favorite verse is
“Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.” - Colossians 3:23
I always pray about how I should interpret a verse and what a buyer may need me to paint. I believe with my whole heart that the Holy Spirit guides me to paint what He wants me to and to write what others need to read. And the writing is often my favorite part of a painting, saved for when it is finished. Because even though they have no color, words have the ability to bring life. And so they do the same in my heart for my paintings. Maybe this is because it’s the word of God applied that breathes life into something my hands have made? I’m not sure I’ll ever fully understand it, but that’s ok.
These words may not be for you, or maybe they are. These are simply my personal thoughts when meditating on this verse and it’s influence on my painting. Hope you enjoy!
“Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. ”
Work willingly at whatever you do. What is the work you do? Not your job, not serving at your church or the local homeless shelter. No, what is the work you do in your heart?
Each of us have been called to work through difficulties in our hearts. Some sit alone in beds and hospital rooms. Others struggle to make ends meet. Maybe you have been betrayed by those closest to you or have just gone through the death of a dear loved one. Maybe its anxiety, paranoia, an eating disorder, addiction, or depression that plagues your soul. Many people feel so unseen, lonely, and forgotten, despite the instant connection our phones provide to others.
This is the work God calls you to do in service for him though. This is spiritual work that takes place only in our hearts.
When I prayed for an image on what this painting should look like, I didn’t see the physical act of someone serving God. No, instead I saw an image of a man walking alone on a dark road towards a cross. Because that is where true service for him begins and ends, it is a journey you take with God. The road of working for the Lord rather people is one only you know if you are on. We may look like good little Christians, but only in our hearts and minds is the truth of whether we have completely offered up what we do to God revealed. It is not work for God in doing the serving, but where our hearts rest while we serve.
This includes the hardships. Suffering, sacrifice, pain, loss, sickness… these are all jobs God has gifted us with to serve him. To work in and through these things will only make us stronger and lead us closer to him if we are truly working for the Lord. It is in those moments of pure self-abandonment that the Holy Spirit guides us, speaks to us, and uses us for His glory.
When we learn to turn the pain and suffering in our lives into work for God and not men, we act in faith that he is leading us forward through our suffering. So look to Christ as you work through what may seem like the most impossible situation, because He sees you and because
“faith that goes forward triumphs”