Fiery Furnace
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego replied, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us. He will rescue us from your power, Your Majesty. But even if he doesn’t, we want to make it clear to you, Your Majesty, that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up.”
Daniel 3:16-18
I finished this painting yesterday, and as I was editing prints for it on photoshop, I zoomed in very close to Jesus holding the figure of a woman. Tears started to form in my eyes at this image. I stared deeply at it. The figures are so simple yet surrounded by chaos, but it’s as if the chaos of the flames doesn’t matter at all.
I got thinking about all the times in my life I have just wanted to feel held by God. Have you ever hurt so bad that you just imagine the Father’s arms around you? I have many times. When my heart was aching, when anxiety overwhelmed my entire body, when loneliness was like a cloud destroying my vision, when fear kept me up all night from sleeping, and when bravery to stand up for truth seemed impossible; in all these moments I have imagined Jesus holding me. Yesterday I didn’t feel like I needed that exact level of comfort, I am fairly content with life. But to see that image in a moment of peace brought me so much love and overwhelming emotion. He’s always been there, holding me …through everything.
And that is the funny thing. I guess when I look back at the lower moments in my life, I don’t necessarily think about how God let me go through that pain, not on this side at least. It is of course so easy in the moment to wonder why God allows seemingly difficult things and sometimes downright heartbreaking events to happen to us. But looking back I always just see how he was there with me in the moment, and how much stronger my faith is now because of it.
So I don’t know what you’re going through today. I don’t know what pain, longsuffering, past hurt, grief, past abuse, sin, mistakes, embarrassments, or struggles you are currently working through. I don’t know what metaphorical flames surround you.
I do know that God desires to sit with you in this moment though. He can offer peace in overwhelming ways. He can bring comfort in avenues you didn’t know existed. So simply rest and sit in the chaos. Let Him hold you through this. Allow the flames to roar, heat to burn, and world fall apart around you, because you have the Great Comforter holding you when everything seems to be falling apart. The fire will eventually die out, and piece by piece He will build back your life. Yes this God, our God, is a God who rescues, and He will bring you through this. But for now let him hold you because as long as you are in His arms you are safe, and He will never let you go.