Be Silent
“The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.”
It is not our job to fight what God is already working in our lives. Oftentimes the way out is so much simpler than we even could imagine because it takes the work of the divine God to lead us there. So be patient in your affliction. Cling to hope and goodness. When all hope is lost, when every way, door, and window seem closed, God can still provide a path. We may not flee from Pharaoh and his army as Moses once did, but we still fight the same spiritual battles as the Israelites in Egypt. Darkness may enclose us, and fear may cloud our minds, but there is always hope. Trust that God is fighting for you and that He will carry you through your Red Sea of impossible situations if you choose to trust in the One whose strength and love is greater than our minds can fathom. When following the One who promises to make a way our job is simply to be still and be silent.