Woman at the Well
How often are we overwhelmed by the weight of sin, guilt, and shame?
Daily, we ache at the mistakes of the past all while the pain of current struggles amplify our hurting.
Sickness, anxiety, depression, insecurities, money, infertility, loneliness, loss, parenting, and stress seem to highlight the sin that tries to destroy us.
Don’t we thirst for so much more than this world and sin has to offer though?
So, let’s leave behind our burdens, regrets, sins, worries, and pain. Come to The Well and quench this thirst as the Samaritan woman once did, for
“whoever drinks of the water that Jesus will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that Jesus will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life”
John 4:14